Looking Back, Looking Forward

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible support we have received from individuals like you throughout the past year. Your generosity has not only fueled our mission but has also been a BEEcon of hope for the future. Thank you!

In 2023 the Bee Girl Organization set out to accomplish 10 lofty goals; they encompassed big dreams years in the making, new ventures and blooming partnerships, and the steady continuation of our ongoing work. All with our mission to conserve bee habitat front and center, prioritizing research, education, regeneration, and art.

With the support of donors like you, we accomplished nearly all our goals! Our partnerships brought us from the Southern savannah and Coast Mountains of Oregon, through the Great Basin, to Montana’s Paradise Valley, and into the Great Plains. We worked shoulder-to-shoulder with ranchers, farmers, vineyard managers, wine makers, policy makers, and partner nonprofits to understand and address issues in agriculture that ultimately affect our bees. We are actively ‘at the table’ and in the field working to create collaborative win-win solutions for bees, producers, and their communities.

In 2023 we loved --

·       Learning more about the best ways to use adaptive grazing to support both honey bees and native bees,

·       Understanding the partnership between bees and bison in the Great Plains,

·       Educating young learners about the importance of our pollinators,

·       Collaborating with vineyards to implement regenerative, bee-friendly practices,

·       Exploring the correlation of wildlife coexistence-focused ranching practices and high bee community diversity. 

Our unique and meaningful collaborations are an essential part of the solution in preserving our bees. Head to www.beegirl.org/habitat to learn about each project in more detail.

As we approach the end of a successful year, I ask you to consider making a final, impactful contribution to the Bee Girl Organization, which will be DOUBLED by the Noah Rose Foundation (before Dec. 31st, up to $10,000!!). Your support is needed to propel us into the future and ensure we continue to make a difference for our pollinators, and our world!

Happy Holidays and Cheers!


Ginelle Dekker & Sarah Red-Laird

BGO Co-Directors

Sarah Red-LairdComment