Kids and Bees 2022, Vegas!

It’s happening.  We are beginning to tip toe back into the world, and see who and what is still out there!  I’m happy to announce the return of “Kids and Bees” event, sponsored by the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees.  What is it?  Think - a pop-up hands-on bee museum for kids!  Who will be there?  I will be, and hopefully you! 

Kids and Bees takes place on Friday, January 7th, at the South Point Hotel & Convention Center in Las Vegas, from 9:00am until noon.  Hundreds of little feet will pitter patter through the halls, dodging beekeepers as the owners of the tiny feet squeal and giggle with excitement and wonder on their way to their own beekeeping event.   

Kids and their teachers and parents can expect a room full of hands-on exhibits under the themes of, “The Art of Beekeeping,” “The Science of Beekeeping,” “The World of Beekeeping,” and “The Future of Bees: It’s Up to You!” They will learn about the art and science behind beeswax, honey, pollination, ultraviolet bee vision, and so much more! Students will make their way through each station, engaging with beekeepers and Honey Queens from around the US, and participating in activities that will harness their senses and imaginations. 

I always strive to make this program a community focused event.  Local beekeepers donate honey, observation hives stuffed with bees, beekeeping equipment for the kids to handle and explore, and most importantly - their time.  It is wonderful to watch local families connect with their local beekeepers. 

For beekeepers who travel to the ABF conference, this is a fantastic opportunity to meet other beekeepers from here, there, and everywhere, and share your passion for bees and volunteerism.  If you would like to participate as a volunteer, please contact 

If you are planning to attend the ABF conference, and are wondering what to do to keep your kiddos entertained, please join us!  Even if they have spent hours in the bee yard with you, I guarantee they will learn something new.  But registration is required.  Please sign up for this no-cost event at

Here is a bit of feedback we’ve gotten in the past few years:

“The event was wonderful, my girls are not nearly as frightened of bees now, they also recognize the vast importance of them.”  - Kids and Bees Florida

“This was such a great event & extremely organized. We really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about honey bees and their vital importance to our everyday life!”  - Kids and Bees Galveston

“My kids had a great experience at this exhibit. My kindergartener can now explain how honey is made and knows that different types of nectar make different kinds of honey.”  - Kids and Bees Reno

Even if you don’t have a little one on your heel, or a whole morning to volunteer, I personally invite to you to come to “Kids and Bees” and soak up some of the joy and sunshine that these kids will bring to ABF, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

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